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My name is Tsvetozar Aleksandrov but everyone calls me "T". I am originally from Bulgaria, living in the UK since 2008, married and have a 4 year old daughter.

My passion is capturing memories for the generations to come!

My biggest reward is to capture YOUR story!

My Story

I have been obsessed with photography since forever! After experimenting with travel photography and blogging, an event in my life influenced me greatly in the direction of family photography. This event was the birth of my daughter Sofia. I remember the feelings, that cannot be described with words after we saw our photos from our first professional photo shoot we had with a friend of mine, also a professional photographer. It was then that I said to myself I want to make other people feel like this with my photographs. I want to capture your emotions, feelings and special moments, that will tell your family’s story for generations to come!

Having a good personal approach is the most important aspect of photography. If you make the people you are working with as comfortable with your presence as possible the outcomes are always sensational. I, as a berkshire photographer specialising in family photography, always endeavor to build a relationship with all my clients and to ensure they are at ease and relaxed, especially when dealing with kids. My wife always says I am every kids favorite uncle as I always do great with kids and they seem to enjoy my silliness when shooting.


To get in touch fill in the form on our contacts page or alternatively reach out on social media, email or mobile!

+44 (0) 7723 57 60 60

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